GOD CONNECTS - A Course in Christianity

God Connects is a course that explains the Christian faith,  presenting God's work of salvation through Christ, the key tenets of the Christian faith, and various practical faith aspects of living the believer's life, in terms that are both in-depth and accessible.

At LCOTGS God Connects is used in a class setting as well as for personal and individual instruction.  Each session uses video instruction together with a .pdf study guide.  In cases of individual instruction personal study is supplemented with pastoral discussion.

May God bless your studies as you explore the Christian faith!

In Christ,

Pastor David Dressler

God Connects Study Introduction
God, are You there?

Everyone, at some point, asks this question. It can come at moments of sterile reflection or in times of deep despair. “God, if You are there, why don’t You show Yourself to me?” In this confusing world where authenticity is so elusive, it seems like we cannot connect to God.

We could not connect to God, but the good news is that God connects with us. He has been doing this from the beginning in amazing ways. The most direct way God connected to us is when He became one of us in Jesus Christ. When Jesus was on this earth, He was the very revelation of God as He taught and healed and loved.

Then to restore our connection to God which had been shattered because of sin, on the cross, Jesus willingly paid the penalty for our sins—in His own death! This is the most authentic, startling and determined love the world could have ever imagined.

Now God connects to us by revealing Himself in the Bible. This God-given book has an amazing story. It tells of God’s constant and compassionate work to restore our relationship with Him.

GodConnects wants to share that story with you.

GodConnects is a course that tells this unique, unequaled story.

Whether you do not believe in Christ as Savior or want to deepen your faith in Him, as you delve into GodConnects you will explore what the Bible says about this remarkably loving God, and how this love gives direction and meaning to your life today and forever.

So let’s get started ….

God Connects Video – Introduction


THE COURSE: (From Lutheran Hour Ministries)

1. God Connects Video - Why Jesus?

PDF Study Guide Link Session One: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dCDHFQcNlLmfZEHqut_00edDAFhzZplf/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet Why Jesus: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NeqU6FTEY7C92vBIA1dTlFGRuOXF-gWU/view?usp=sharing


2. God Connects Video - Why the Bible?

PDF Study Guide Link Session Two: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1USv_NOEGxD0BghgpCpohCnlzAk5zWiWN/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet Why the Bible: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dc02Lc91r12YhCARJV4BJ0gdtwh5CzAk/view?usp=sharing


3. God Connects Video - God's Law

PDF Study Guide Link Session Three: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vvIxbzyRsCvlJRtmI6PReEEaosBobKnb/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet God's Law: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13hsf89ZKZIEIbglNCBss5cL5IAl65_Uw/view?usp=sharing


4. God Connects Video - Nature of God

PDF Study Guide Link Session Four: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mtdypqGOtWIQlvYQ3NTeZFTBkgTHNBDy/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet Nature of God: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UUZAtDYqKjTKqV92k7TcWkG76dtt07qd/view?usp=sharing


5. God Connects Video - Who is Jesus Christ?

PDF Study Guide Link Session Five: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RUDsUVG5-C8QBFhZwzRPtGtTuh3KtiXi/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet Who is Jesus Christ? https://drive.google.com/file/d/17z15v1uIzESEkWbn4M-L8IhyCzna1Dz6/view?usp=sharing


6. God Connects Video - Who is the Holy Spirit?

PDF Study Guide Link Session Six: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bnX-FflqbsL1soa-d6dcIqa2mkanBRkl/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet Who is the Holy Spirit?https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VSXNgKQ2MVqEHvIz6J84kK2JXKfecQjH/view?usp=sharing


7. God Connects Video – Prayer

PDF Study Guide Link Session Seven: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12zsi7rhUoDspBu0Oi15dMsbfA__6M21b/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet Prayer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jfOmqm8pYPIxZWaceiQ6_Lk8I0GjsXJy/view?usp=sharing


8. God Connects Video – Baptism

PDF Study Guide Link Session Eight: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1esKYJJlu6kkqpxthen6pjCUzxoGusMLw/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet Baptism: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bkSMNXbM1q5AC-BmYFvR99LrsGNXWpls/view?usp=sharing


9. God Connects Video - Confession and Absolution

PDF Study Guide Link Session Nine: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vxWiSlkqfeDeIxIpzdtAQa-LPcJ8civ4/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet Confession and Absolution: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z661znWE2ys-8_oasWszZJXLZFA6mo34/view?usp=sharing


10. God Connects Video – Communion

PDF Study Guide Link Session Ten: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KTqcfwKziFSLMFLP3LW3gL46CfuNCzXP/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet Communion: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jCYnKolDpGFTdp1S0OCeqdbVupDKowmL/view?usp=sharing


11. God Connects Video - The End of Time

PDF Study Guide Link Session Eleven: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pojXP-b3mYnn8PNSvisEKdn-Lkr6JQrQ/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet The End of Time: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SvPHsp-2wi1nrA3BCWkiCk6Zz_gQxGZa/view?usp=sharing


12. God Connects Video - Christian Life

PDF Study Guide Link Session Twelve: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fDdKzTNJs0DBDhWGMdVfgS0Efmf8AfyR/view?usp=sharing

LCOTGS Teaching Sheet Christian Life: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EwuTvM0FWIs4etYZstMlNM7ZYcywbq7z/view?usp=sharing


Catechetical Profession of Faith: (Christian Questions with Their Answers)

Document for Public Questioning of Catechumens along with Members of the Congregation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18sXJJpQctmKSF5JOAOWFXt4_1bxhNhdG/view?usp=sharing

