What We Believe

We Believe and Teach

The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God.

All people are sinners separated from God, cannot save themselves, and deserve eternal punishment.

Jesus Christ, God's Son and true God, having also become true man, lived, suffered and died for the sins of all people so that we need not remain separated by God.

Those, through faith, who trust Jesus Christ, as their Saviour, have forgiveness of their sins and eternal life with God. 

A person is saved from eternal separation from God only by the grace of God Himself, through faith in Jesus Christ. "For by grace you have been saved through faith: and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God."

God brings this faith and forgiveness to people through His Word and Sacraments. 

In response to this loving gift of God, Christians worship their Saviour, and together with their fellow Christians in the Church, serve God and do His work. 


Ministries and Services

Our life together is a joy! We celebrate God's great love for the world and thankfully serve as God's hands and feet in the world.


Our Core Values

We value God's Word and the Holy Sacraments of Baptism, Communion, and Absolution as the ways in which God gives and increases our faith. Our worship focuses on and celebrates these key elements. 


  • We value Christian qualities (love, trust, faith, forgiveness, submission, sacrifice) as expressions of the Holy Spirit's work among us and reflections of God's love for us.
  • We value living these Christian qualities in the church through caring relationships, Christ-like words and deeds, worship, education, stewardship, and proper exercise of Christian freedom.
  • We value Christian qualities in the community as we serve God by serving our neighbour.
  • We value sharing Christ with others.


